Even though your pet doesn’t use a calendar, you can celebrate Pet Appreciation Week together this year and make it a memorable experience. Pet Appreciation Week is June 4-10, and any pet will enjoy having some extra quality time with their human. Here are some fun ways you can plan a memorable Pet Appreciation Week for you and your pet:
Create an Enrichment Activity
All pets need enrichment and stimulation in order to stay happy and keep their minds active. If you have a ferret, hamster, or rodent, you can create a maze and teach your pet to run through it by giving him treats. If you have a cat, get a new play structure or toy that your cat has never used before. If you have a dog, take him to the dog park or set up a doggy playdate.
Lavish Him with Treats and Attention
Another thing that almost all pets love is treats and attention. Ask your veterinarian what special treat you can give your pet that is safe and healthy. Set aside some free time each day during Pet Appreciation Week to play with your pet and lavish him with attention. This will show your pet how much you love him, and also improve his mood, health, and brain function.
Buy Him Something New
If your pet plays with toys, get him a new toy. You can also just get him something fun and new for his environment, like a new bed, a kiddie pool, exercise wheel, or something to chew on.
Visit the Veterinarian
Your pet should visit the veterinarian every year to make sure he’s in good health. Pet Appreciation Week is a perfect opportunity to schedule an annual veterinary visit. Your veterinarian will do a checkup, assess your pet’s diet and nutrition, review his weight, and screen him for illness and disease. They can also update your pet’s vaccinations.
This Pet Appreciation Week, show your pet you care by keeping him healthy. Visit the veterinarian for an annual checkup.